On April 15, 2019, Vice-President Li Yupeng met with Professor Albert J. Shih from University of Michigan.

    Professor Shih is the Director of Manufacturing Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Michigan, Laboratory Director of Global Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering and Deputy Director of Medical Innovation Center. He has profound knowledge in relevant professional fields.

    On behalf of SJZU, Li Yupeng warmly welcomed Professor Shih and fully endorsed the deep friendship established by the two universities for over ten years. Supported by Plan 111, Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities, SJZU and University of Michigan agreed to strengthen their cooperation on medical equipment manufacturing and other professional fields. Besides, they made in-depth discussions on related professional issues.

上一条:SJZU Signs Collaboration Agreement with East Siberia State University of Technology and Management of Russia 下一条:SJZU Leaders Attended Meeting on Official Overseas Trips in Benxi, Liaoning



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