《国际人才交流》杂志是科学技术部国外人才研究中心主办的中英双语月刊,创刊于1989年,发行形式为纸质版和网络版(中国知网、万方数据、维普网等),部分文章在国际人才交流杂志微信公众号转载。主要报道中国科技创新和人才政策、讲述外国专家的中国故事、介绍高校国际化发展等内容的文章读者对象主要为在华工作的外籍专家、国际友人, 以及外籍专家服务机构等。

Founded in 1989,International Talent is a Chinese/English bilingual monthly periodical published by Foreign Talent Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and enjoys a wide readership across both its print and online versions. The magazine primarily features articles introducing China's development in the fields of science, technology and innovation as well as economy and society, relevant talent policies, personal experience of foreign experts in China, and the internationalization of Chinese universities,etc. Readers of the magazine include foreign experts working in China, Chinese and foreign talents, Chinese agencies or companies employing foreign experts, researchers, policy-makers in the Chinese government,etc.

为向世界介绍近十年来中国科技发展、国际科技交流合 作状况以及中国科技对世界的贡献,杂志现发起"亲历中国科技发展历程"征文活动,诚挚邀请您投稿,稿件要求如下:

Your submission shall meet the following requirements to be considered for publishing:


1.The article must be based on your personal experience and feelings related to any of the following topics: China's scientific and technological progress over the past decade; China's contribution to the world through science and technology development; Chinese scientific community's participation in international collaboration and efforts to address global challenges; stories of working in China or collaborating with Chinese partners. Some suggested, though non-exhaustive, themes of the article may be:

() 拓展人类知识边界, 如基础研究、大科学计划和工程等。

() 应对人类共同挑战、改善民生,如抗击新冠肺炎疫情、应对气候变化、科技促进可持续发展、科技扶贫、清洁能源、生态环境、卫生健康、减灾防灾等。

() 开放合作、建设人类命运共同体,"一带一路"科技创新合作、中国参与全球科技创新治理等。

a. Expanding the boundaries of human knowledge, such as basic research, mega-science research programs or projects, etc.

b. Responding to the common challenges facing humanity and improving people's livelihood, such as fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and tackling climate change, and how science and technology are being used to achieve sustainable development goals such as poverty alleviation, clean energy development, natural conservation and environment protection, health improvement, disaster mitigation and preparedness, etc.

c. Collaboration and initiatives between China and foreign partners that seek to build a community with a shared future for mankind, such as science and technology cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative,China's involvement in international organizations as well as global science, technology and innovation governance.

二、文章以第一人称叙述,富有真情实感、可读性强,文笔生动活泼;英文;标题自拟,字数要求3000字左右, 请附1-2张作者照片(高清,1MB以上)100字左右的作者简介.截稿日期: 20224 10

2.The article should be a first-person narrative, well-written and appealing, and shall express your real thinking on the subject. The article should be written in English, with a self-designated title and approximately 3,000 words in length. Additionally, please attach 1-2 personal photos (high definition,1MB+) and a brief

(~100-word) profile of the author. The submission deadline is April 10, 2022.


3. Please send your article with your phone number, email address, and postal mailing address in your email. If the article is accepted, you will receive remuneration and hard copies of the printed magazine. The accepted article may also be compiled into a book for publication, with further details to be provided upon the article's acceptance.

为从国际视角展现近十年来中国经济社会发展的伟大 成就,《国际人才交流》杂志面向广大外国专家、国际友人 发起摄影作品征集活动 ,并在 "看中国 "专栏展示.现邀请 您积极投稿,作品要求如下:

The Editorial Board of International Talent cordially invites you to submit photos on the theme of "China in My Eyes". The solicitation aims to use photos from foreign experts and international fiends to vividly present the great achievements of China's economic and social development over the past decade from an international perspective. Your submission shall meet the following requirements to be considered for publishing:

一、围绕中国的历史、文化、城市、乡村、美食、生态、 抗疫、冬奥等主题。

1.The photos should be based on the themes of China's history, culture, cities, countryside, food, natural environment, COVID-19 response or the Beijing Winter Olympics.

二、提供3-5 幅原创照片 ,单幅或组照均可 , 每幅照3M以上,JPG格式;作品需配文字说明,英文,100字左 ,并附1-2张作者照片、100字左右个人简介.征集活动截至2022410.

2. Please provide 3-5 original photos,individual or sets of grouped photographs are both acceptable. The photos should be in a JPG format,with the minimum size of 3M, and include a brief English caption of about 100 words. Additionally, please provide 1-2 photos of yourself, and a brief profile of yourself, also about 100 words. The submission deadline is April 10, 2022.


3. Please send your photos to the email listed below as an attachment with the file name “China in My Eyes" and in your message indicate your name, affiliation, and contact details (phone number, email address). If any of your photos are accepted for publication, you will receive remuneration and hard copies of the printed magazine. The accepted article may also be compiled into a book for publication, with further details to be provided upon the articles acceptance.

为进一步深化人文交流互鉴,促进民心相知相通,向世 界展示真实、立体、全面的中国,《国际人才交流》杂志现 发起 " 我的中国故事 "征文活动 ,诚挚邀请您投稿 ,稿件要求如下:

一、讲述十年来您经历的中国持续深化改革、扩大开放、 经济社会发展、改善民生等方面的经历感受;您在中国工作、 学习和生活中经历的,与中国友人之间发生的,在科技、扶贫、奥运、教育、文化、医疗、环保等领域,以及参与抗击 新冠肺炎疫情、开展国际交流合作中令人难忘的故事。可围 绕但不限于以下主题:

Your submission shall meet the following requirements to be considered for publishing:

1.The article must be based on your personal experience and feelings related to any of the following topics: China's reform and opening-up, economic and social development, and improving living conditions over the past decade; unforgettable stories you have had while working, studying and living in China; or in your interactions and exchanges with Chinese friends in the fields of science, technology, poverty alleviation, Olympics, education,  culture, medicine, environmental protection or other fields; as well as your participation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Some suggested, though non-exhaustive, themes of the article may be:

() 我对中国的印象:讲述您亲身经历的中国科技进 步、经济发展、脱贫攻坚、国际合作、法制建设、医疗保障等方面的变化,以及您的感受.

a. My impression of China: your personal experiences and feelings about the changes you've witnessed in China,including scientific and technological progress poverty alleviation,international cooperation,and advancements in economic,legal, or medical areas.

() 我爱的中国城市: 选择一座您喜爱的中国城市,谈一谈您在这座城市的居住生活或参观访问的体验。

b. My favorite Chinese city: choose one of your favorite cities in China and describe your experiences of living or visiting there.

() 我在中国的工作: 讲述您选择来中国工作的原因, 在中国工作的经历,以及在中国创新创业的心路历程.

c. My work in China: describe why you chose to work in China, your experiences of working in China, and the behind-the-scenes stories of your journey of innovation and entrepreneurship in China.

(四) 我在中国的生活: 讲述您在中国生活期间发生的难忘的故事。

d.My life in China: unforgettable stories during your stay in China.

()我了解的中国文化和中国人: 介绍您所了解的中 国传统文化及其吸引您的原因,或分享您与中国友人之间发


e.  The Chinese culture and people I know: what you have learned about traditional Chinese culture and why it attracts you, or touching stories experienced between you and your Chinese friends.


f.China's fight against COVID-19 in myeyes: your personal experience and feelings about China's efforts and achievements in its COVID-19 response.

二、文章以第一人称叙述,富有真情实感、可读性强, 文笔生动活泼;英文;标题自拟,字数要求2000-3000,2-3张作者照片(高清,1MB 以上) 以及100字左右的个 人简介.截稿日期: 2022 4 10 .

2.  The  article  should be  a first-person narrative, well-written and  appealing, and shall express your real thinking on the subject. The article should be  written in English, with a self-designated title and approximately 2,000-3,000 words in length. Additionally, please attach 2-3 personal photos (high  definition, 1MB+) and a brief (~100-word) profile of the author. The submission deadline is April 10, 2022.

三、来稿文档请以 Word 格式发送至邮箱,注明作者电 话、邮箱和通信地址;文章一经采用,即付稿酬、寄送样刊, 并计划合编成书出版发行。

3.Please send your article in a Microsoft Word format to the email listed below and include your phone number, email address, and postal mailing address  in your message. If the article is accepted, you will receive remuneration and hard copies of the printed magazine. The accepted article may also be compiled into a book for publication, with further details to be provided upon the article's acceptance.




Please send your article to: wbsjzu@163.com

For further information on the submission requirements, please contact:

Zhao Hanbing,024-24692693

上一条:中美联合培养管理学博士项目2022年(第三期)招生简章 下一条:2021年沈阳建筑大学与美国班尼迪克大学 合作培养信息管理硕士招生简章



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